Some of the projects developed by ASM, especially in the R&D area, have public support and co-financing. Among them, the following are worth mentioning:

The Smartz4Can project aims to revolutionize the fish and seafood canning industry by enhancing efficiency, traceability, and sustainability through the implementation of a cutting-edge 4.0 technology platform.
This platform focuses on smart data management to reduce production times, improve product quality, and lower water and energy consumption. Utilizing the proven MES-MOM asmCore platform, Smartz4Can will undergo vertical parameterization tailored specifically for the canning sector, covering all aspects of manufacturing processes such as cleaning, cooking, can closing, and sterilization. Additionally, it will adapt general functionalities like warehouse management, quality control, and energy consumption to meet the specific needs of canning SMEs.
Necessity and Challenges:
The fish and seafood canning industry faces significant challenges related to traceability, food safety, efficiency, and sustainability. Given that this industry performs numerous transformations within the food chain, implementing systems that ensure these aspects without compromising competitiveness is crucial. Retailers, the primary clients, increasingly demand digital solutions that guarantee traceability and quality control while optimizing costs. For industry partners, maintaining competitiveness sustainably by reducing costs and ensuring superior quality and safety is vital, especially since SMEs in the fish food sector face the same stringent requirements as larger enterprises but with far fewer financial resources. The Smartz4Can project provides European food SMEs with a production management system offering functionalities comparable to those of large industries, thereby safeguarding their competitiveness and future viability.
Expected Benefits:
The Smartz4Can project is designed to deliver extensive benefits across the fish and seafood canning industry, promoting a more sustainable and efficient operational model.
Food Safety: Enhanced by digital traceability and quality control from raw materials to finished cans.
Competitiveness: Improved through advanced production management, efficiency KPIs (OEE), and labor management.
Sustainability: Monitored through water and energy consumption metrics, contributing to reduced environmental impact.
Real-Time Management: Facilitated by real-time information and KPI-based manufacturing management.
The vertical solution is specifically designed for the canned fish and seafood industry but is also extendable to other SME food industries combining batch and discrete manufacturing processes. Industry partners will see increased competitiveness at a sustainable pace, reduced costs, and maintained high standards of safety and quality.
Productivity Improvements:
Expected productivity increase of 10%-20%, depending on process complexity and average lot size.
Estimated reduction in cycle time by 10%-20%.
Significant reduction in food safety risks, with a 60% decrease in non-conformities.
Environmental Impact:
Efficient production control will substantially lower the industry’s environmental footprint through increased productivity and decreased resource consumption.
5%-10% reduction in energy consumption.
15%-20% reduction in water consumption.
15% reduction in emissions.
Smartz4Can sets a new standard in digitalizing and optimizing the fish and seafood canning industry, ensuring long-term sustainability, enhanced competitiveness, and superior product quality.
Award date: 5/15/2024
Duration: 12 months
Conservas Lago Paganini y nosotros, ASM SOFT
SEA2TABLE 4.0 Project
Year 2020 - 2023
The SEA2TABLE 4.0 project in which ASM SOFT participates, has been supported by the Axencia Galega de Innovación by resolution dated February 24, 2021 in the framework of the fourth call for grants of the program Factory of the future, smart and sustainable factory of industry 4.0 (file number IN854A 2020/11).
The project (Development of digital multifactory 4.0 technologies in the smart and sustainable food industry) has the following main objectives:
Implement a new factory model in the food industry that promotes sustainability and production efficiency through the application of artificial intelligence technologies in a multi-factory environment.
To achieve a digitized supply chain that guarantees quality, safety and traceability throughout the value chain, thus protecting the end consumer against food fraud and ensuring that the final product comes from sustainable resources.
Streamline decision making and make the supply chain more flexible through the consolidation of all the information collected in the three industrial centers that PESCANOVA has in Galicia.
ASM SOFT participates in this project together with PESCANOVA ESPAÑA and the Centro Tecnolóxico de Telecomunicacións de Galicia-GRADIANT, being PESCANOVA ESPAÑA the leading company of the group.
The project is subsidized by the Axencia Galega de Innovación and supported by the Second Vice-presidency and the Consellería de Economía, Empresa e Innovación de la Xunta de Galicia, and the aid is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the framework of the Operational Program ERDF Galicia 2014-2020.

The Smartz4Can project aims to revolutionize the fish and seafood canning industry by enhancing efficiency, traceability, and sustainability through the implementation of a cutting-edge 4.0 technology platform.
Galicia Exports Companies Program 2019
Year 2019
This company participates in the Galicia Exports Companies 2019 Program.
Operation co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Galicia FEDER Operational Program 2014-2020
Galicia Exports Companies Program 2016
As support to the internationalization process, ASM SOFT has been granted by IGAPE to participate in the Galicia Exports Companies Program 2019, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program of Galicia 2014-2020. OT3. “Achieve a more competitive business fabric”.
European Regional Development Fund, a way to make Europe.
The main objective of the Galicia Exports Companies Program 2019 is to encourage and stimulate Galician foreign trade and the internationalization of Galician companies. The intended result is to increase the base of exporting companies and consolidate the presence of Galician companies in international markets.”

Aid from IGAPE Galicia Exporta Intermediate Organizations
This company was the beneficiary of a grant from the Igape Galicia Exports Intermediate Organizations program. The main objective of this aid is to encourage and stimulate Galician foreign trade and the internationalization of Galician companies. The intended result is to increase the base of exporting companies and to consolidate the presence of Galician companies in international markets.
Operation co-financed by the European Union.
Galicia ERDF Operational Program 2014-2020
Achieve a more competitive business environment
A way to make Europe

Call for the granting of aid under the program to promote the supply of cloud computing solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises.
The grants consist of the provision of business solutions based on Cloud Computing technology by SMEs to improve their competitiveness.

COPRO - ASM participates in the COPRO project whose kick-off was held on November 23rd and 24th.
Horizon2020 SPIRE project COPRO Kick-off Meeting in Brussels.
Brussels – 40 Representatives from the 17 partners of the CoPro consortium and from the European Commission met for the project kick-off in Brussels on November 23rd and 24th, 2016. In the upcoming 3.5 years, large and small companies, research institutes and universities from eight European countries will jointly work on improving resource and energy efficiency in the process industries by better coordination of production.
The HORIZON 2020 project CoPro – “Improved energy and resource efficiency by better coordination of production in the process industries” which is led by Prof. Sebastian Engell (Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering of TU Dortmund), has started on November 1st, 2016.
The aim of the project is to develop methods and tools for better management of industrial plants and chemical parks under dynamically changing market conditions with the goal to save energy and resources and to improve the competitiveness of the European process industries. The CoPro consortium receives funding of 6 million € from the European Commission under the SPIRE public private partnership until the end of April 2020.
The technical developments are motivated by the practical needs of industry and will be demonstrated in five different use cases from various sectors of the European process industries. At the sites of COVESTRO and INEOS in Cologne the coordination of production processes of base chemicals will be improved. At Lenzing, Austria, the leading European manufacturer of cellulose fibers, complex evaporation and recycle networks of their wood-based production process will be optimized. Further use cases come from FRINSA, a Spanish food packaging company, and from Procter & Gamble. Several leading small and medium enterprises will develop new computer tools for process modelling and process management.
The stimulating discussions during the two day meeting provided an excellent start into an ambitious project that will contribute significantly to the sustainability of the process industries in Europe.

MEDRAR - Improvement of wastewater treatment in small villages
START DATE: 11/02/2016. END DATE: 11/30/2018
The general objective of the MEDRAR project is the development and experimental demonstration of an innovative and sustainable wastewater treatment system for small towns through a modular system, which will be adapted to the characteristics of the flow to be treated and to the criteria for discharge or reuse of treated water.
It is applicable to urban wastewater or grey and black water and for small population centers or small urban/industrial agglomerations that have separate networks, as well as for those that do not have such systems.
It is proposed as a more sustainable alternative to the current systems used in small towns, often deficient, inoperative or unfeasible due to the operational costs involved, adapting to the peculiarities and conditions of each nucleus that allow energy self-sufficiency and water reuse, thus reducing the costs of drinking water and wastewater.
Currently, a modular adaptive control and decentralized monitoring system has been implemented with web access from any device and security system through encrypted communication between the Server and the Wastewater Treatment Plants.
Translated with (free version)

Galicia Exports Companies Program 2016
Year 2016
This company participates in the Galicia Exporta Empresas 2016 Program.
Operation co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund
FEDER Galicia Operational Program 2014-2020
Galicia Exports Companies Program 2016
As support to the internationalization process, ASM SOFT has been granted by IGAPE to participate in the Galicia Exports Companies Program 2016, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the FEDER Operational Program of Galicia 2014-2020. OT3. “Achieve a more competitive business environment”.
European Regional Development Fund, a way to make Europe.
The main objective of the Galicia Exports Companies Program 2016 is to encourage and stimulate Galician foreign trade and the internationalization of Galician companies. The intended result is to increase the base of exporting companies and consolidate the presence of Galician companies in international markets.”

Galicia FSE Operational Program 2014-2020 - Recruitment of internationalization managers: (IG166.2016)
Year 2016
Operation co-funded by the European Union
Operational Program FSE Galicia 2014-2020
Hiring of internationalization managers: (IG166.2016)
As support to the process of internationalization of the company, ASM SOFT has aid granted by IGAPE for the recruitment of a manager, under the 2016 Call for aid from IGAPE for the recruitment of internationalization managers, co-financed by the European Social Fund under the ESF Operational Program of Galicia 2014-2020, and included in the Thematic Objective 08 to achieve training and quality employment.
European Social Fund, FSE invests in your future.
The objective of these grants is to facilitate the acquisition of professional skills in internationalization through internships in companies while supporting Galician companies in their internationalization process. The intended result is that the professionals continue to be hired after their participation in the program in the same company or in other companies thanks to the practical experience received.

ALEGRIA - Algae and Energy for the valorization of wastewater from the Galician agri-food industry.
R&D Project
The objective of the project is to research new technologies for the transformation of industrial effluents into sustainable sources of bioenergy, with the reuse of valuable substances present in the wastewater, with a lower final waste and a quality that allows its reuse. It also seeks to improve the competitiveness of the Galician agri-food sector by reducing its wastewater treatment costs, generating value through by-products, reducing its carbon footprint and improving the energy use of the industry.
This is a cooperative project led by TRAINASA in the line of R&D Projects in National Cooperation of the Center for Technological and Industrial Development (CDTI) with file number ITC-20133118.

SISTOLE - New technologies for accurate information of real environments with emerging localization systems
R&D Project
The objective of the project is to obtain an integrated solution in which, based on an accurate and reliable location system that supports the requirements present in the most critical positioning applications, emerging technologies are developed for the optimization of industrial routes and industrial information systems based on augmented reality, plus the corresponding authoring tools.
This is a cooperative project led by Instalaciones Inabensa S.A. which was approved on 26/06/2012 in the line of R&D Projects in National Cooperation of the Center for Technological and Industrial Development (CDTI) with file number IDI-20120484.

SF4SF - Plant integration of emerging technologies for the detection, elimination and management of food risks
R&D Project
The main objective of the SF4SF project – In-plant integration of emerging technologies for the detection, elimination and management of food risks – is to increase the production efficiency of food processing plants and the food safety of processed products. Our objective was to develop an application to manage and integrate food risks in plant information systems.
All this, through the integration of faster, more sensitive, effective and sustainable emerging technologies for the detection, elimination and management of microbiological and allergen risks in the plant.
This project has been developed with the aid granted by the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) of the Ministry of Industry, Economy and Competitiveness, and has been co-financed by the European Union (ERDF Funds) through the Smart Growth Operational Program (2014-2020), in the framework of aid for regional cooperation in research and development (ERDF Innterconecta Program).
The SF4SF project involves the participation of a consortium of four companies formed by CLAVO FOOD FACTORY, S.A. (leader of the consortium), ASM Soft, Kemegal and Nanoinmunotech, and with the collaboration/participation of the research organizations ANFACO, University of Vigo and the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory.
The participation of ASM Soft. in the SF4SF project, awarded on 20/11/2015, has been developed between 2015-2018 and has had a budget of 251,857€. The place of execution of the project has been the facilities of ASM Soft (Vigo) and Clavo Congelados (Caldas de Reyes).
As a conclusion of the project, a MES 4.0 platform has been developed that collects all the information from the production plant, integrating productivity data (Metrics, Consumption, Batches, etc.) with Quality Control, Food Risks and with the ERP business management.